Gilles Leger - Project Leader & Chief Content
ACTD Player Since: 2000
Beth Kelley - Command & Operations Team Leader
ACTD Player Since: 2000
Julie Lucas - Operations Team Leader
ACTD Player Since: 2000
Carol Ray - Flight Control Team Leader
ACTD Player Since: 1999
Richard Guerrera - Science Team Leader
ACTD Player Since: 2000
Robert Olesnevich - Tactical Team Leader, Message Board ADM
ACTD Player Since: 1997
Jason Sharp - Tactical & Engineering Team Leader
ACTD Player Since: 1998
Karen Morris - Medical Team Leader
ACTD Player Since: 2000
Jane Rowley - Counseling Team Leader
ACTD Player Since: 2000
Jess Meltzer - Civilian Team Leader
ACTD Player Since: 2000
Members who have
participated in the creation of the manual
Diana Tran - Webmaster assistance
Sheri Floyhar - Command
Gerry Brinkman - Command, Civilian/Specialist
Janaye Hinsley - Medical
Mark Burton - Engineering
Russ Hinsley - Tactical
Steve Seliquini - Tactical & Operations
Martijn Lemmen - Tactical &
Craig Yoshihara - Operations
Christopher Dickinson - Counseling
Masako Goto - Counseling
Stephen James - Counseling
Cory F. - Counseling
Karriaunna Scotti - Science
Jonathan Lau - Science
Steve Mallory
Brian Paveza
Scott Balmos
Trish Bennett
Trish Yarborough
Steven Weller
As well as the people who I
probably forgot and all the members of ACTD who gave ideas no
matter how small.